
Brand Strategy, story, research, product creation and packaging

A skin care line inspired by cultural nostalgia, and for the one craving that little piece of Island tranquility on their busy, fast hectic lives.

CIRCLE OF WELLNESS -Roots to Healing -

Brand Strategy and Website

“ Some of us don’t want to be tough alpha leaders. Some of us just want to write and wander the garden and breathe in the sky and nourish and nurture and quietly create new pathways and live our lives as our art. To know the earth as poetry. ”

- Victoria Erickson

LA Literacy Tutoring

Website DESIGN


_ All content showcased in this portfolio, including my collaborations with Crop Collective, is protected by copyright laws. While the content is the exclusive
intellectual property of Paola Gil/Dancing Elements, the collaborations with Crop Collective are protected as the joint intellectual property of both entities involved.